"Don’t stare at me, baby. You can see me in the movies" Rita Hayworth
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is Tyler Perry a sellout?

this week tyler perry got some type of award from rev. al sharpton & was all "i represent all black people.blahblahblah. we should focus on being ourselves, not on getting an education, blahblahblah".


mind you, i have only seen 1 tyler perry movie all the way through without changing the channel: "madea goes to jail". it was funny, yes. it was mind numbingly stupid, yes. did it represent me, no. would i pay to see any of his other films? no

i also tried to watch his tv show "house of pain" but that left me with a migraine. all yelling, bad over acting, & jokes written by 9 year olds.

the problem is not with tyler perry(though he should come out of the closet & stop playing).i admire the fact that he can make millions of dollars with the horrible movies he makes.my problem is that he is really the only black man with power in hollywood & instead of making art, he is making paper(as the kids would say). all i see is bad portrayals of black people. we are ghetto, we are illiterate, we are gangsters,we are angry, we are whores, etc. it would be nice if at least our own people would make great positive films showing us as we really are: complex but people the same as anyone else.

how about making a scifi movie with an all black cast?or a historical movie with an all black cast that is NOT set in the civil war?or a dramatic movie with an all black cast that doesn't have basketball in it? how about having a tv show like "the cosby show" with positive black role models on it? how about a movie about our first black president?


my head hurts & time for my nap.just something for us all to think about

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