"Don’t stare at me, baby. You can see me in the movies" Rita Hayworth
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fuck your protests

so i was eating at chik-fil-a when i remembered that gay people were boycotting the place. pretty interesting when you think about it. lots of companies donate money to horrible causes, though. if you boycotted every one, you wouldnt have any where to spend your money.

i hate that gays are trying to be the new negro. yes, we should all have equal rights but where were the gays in the 1960s? oh, right. hiding in the closet. what took you so long, huh? decided you wanted to be equal when gay marriage became a trend?

funny, yet why arent teh gheys boycotting companies who have racist ads? because there are no gay minorities?

lol.i have no idea where i am going with all of this. just saying that aunt jemima makes the best pancake syrup even though a slave mammy is STILL on the box & uncle ben can get it all night.

ps: before anybody gets their panties in a bunch, i did vote for gay marriage, even though i don't crave vagina.


just something to think about.enjoy the pretty pictures

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