"Don’t stare at me, baby. You can see me in the movies" Rita Hayworth
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funny halloween costume ideas

Danielle Roderick: The best I've ever seen was "the woman who wants your slot machine." This was a couple of years ago, so she had a big plastic cup full of quarters, some NICE Oscar de la Rentas, and a thriftstore warm up suit, complete with fanny pack and cigs. It was fun because she got to wear major makeup (big lips, mascara city, fake wrinkles), and another dude had dressed up as her husband, who was always circulating the party looking for his crazy wife, who said she was going to the penny slots, but now he can't find her. He had on suspenders, faux belly, and was smoking a cigar. They would shout at each other across the party to shut up, and to meet at the buffet.

Kathleen Walsh: Sexy Gorilla (gorilla suit with bikini on top, high heels).

Katie Heaney: My friend and his group of friends once went as The Baldwins and basically all wore leather jackets and then made duck lips/Blue Steel faces in every picture.

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